Download BlueStacks for PC/Laptop Windows 7/8/10/XP
Android OS is the most popular operating system among all the operating systems. This is due to all the bells and whistles which are fitted in it. Another reason is the availability of numerous apps for free. While in other operating systems, one has to pay a particular amount of money to use the app. However, if you do not own an Android device, you can still enjoy all the features of an Android device. The trick is using an Android emulator on your PC. An Android emulator is a software which can be used to imitate the Android operating system on your PC. There are many Android emulators available for emulating Android operating system on a PC such as Nox Player, Andy Android emulator, KO Player, etc.
However, Bluestacks is the most widely used Android emulator around the world. It is because Bluestacks was one of the very first to introduce Android emulating on Windows PC as well as Mac OS. Bluestacks is also known as ‘Bluestacks App Player.’ You can download and install Blustacks to run Android applications on your PC or Mac.
Download BlueStacks
Version | BlueStacks App Player |
File Size | 284.09MB |
Requirement | Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10 (32Bit and 64Bit) |
Developer | BlueStack Systems Inc. ( |
BlueStacks System Requirements
Minimum required which should be met by your PC are the following.1. i7 2.5GHz CPU – VT-X Enabled (Recommended), Core 2Due Will Work.
2. 16GB DDR3 RAM (Recommended), 4GB of Ram Will Work.
3. Intel Iris Graphics 1.5GB RAM or Higher.
4. Windows 10 (BlueStacks Can be Downloaded and installed on Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7/8/8.1)
Note: If your PC doesn’t have these configurations, then you either need to upgrade your PC or try another Android emulator which can work with the current configurations of your PC.
How to download Bluestacks on your PC
Step 1- Visit the official website of Bluestacks using a web browser. The link to the official website of Bluestacks is ‘‘ this.Step 2- Here, you will find an option to download ‘Bluestacks‘ on your device. Click on it to download the latest version of Bluestacks on your PC.
Step 3- An EXE file of size 251MB will begin downloading on your device. Be patient till it is successfully downloaded. Then, head over to the ‘Downloads‘ section on your device and search for a file whose name has ‘Bluestacks’ mentioned in it. To confirm whether it is the correct file, you can check its date and size.
Step 4- Now, since you have found the file, double-click on it to initiate the installation process. The required files will be extracted and an option ‘Install Now‘ will appear in a dialog box. Click on it.
Step 5- The installation will take around 5 minutes of your time. Once installed, a shortcut will be created on your desktop. You can use this shortcut to launch Bluestacks on your PC and make use of all the features of Android devices on your Windows PC or Mac OS.
This is how you can download and install Bluestacks on your PC.
What can you do using Bluestacks App Player
1. Bluestacks App Player supports 96% of the apps which are available on Google Play Store. Hence, you can download almost every app which is available for Android devices on Bluestacks from this store.2. You can also download the APKs of particular apps from the official website of Bluestacks. Once downloaded, you can install that app on Bluestacks and start using it!
3. Since Bluestacks supports external keyboard and mouse, you can play 86% of Android games on your PC with much more efficiency and precision. For professional gamers, Bluestacks also provides with a joystick and gamepad support. These features enhance the gaming experience tremendously.
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